SAVCO’s 17th Annual Charity Golf Event
• September 21, 2024
• 8:30 AM Tee-Off
• $85 Oak Creek Country Club Members/$150 Non-Members
• 50/50 Raffle: $5 per ticket, $20 for 5 tickets (win 50% of the pot)
• Mulligans: 3 for $10 or 8 for $20
SAVCO is still looking for hole sponsors (only $75) and for donations to the silent auction. Hole Sponsor Form Call or email Gordie Garvey for details.
Kids, Bikes & Smiles!
What an exciting day when Sedona Toys for Tots distributed bikes to the children of Sedona on Dec. 16, 2023. A special thanks goes out to the many volunteers and organizations that made this day a success!!
To all of Santa’s Toys for Tots Elves, Thank You!
Sedona Toys for Tots 2023 Campaign was a great success thanks to the generosity of the community and all the organizations and volunteers that gave their time! A special thank you goes out to each and everyone who helped bring joy and hope to the families we serve.
SAVCO’s Successful Golf Event!
SAVCO hosted another fun-filled fundraising golf tournament at the beautiful Oak Creek Country Club on September 23, 2023. With over 100 charity minder golfers, 80+ hole sponsors and silent auction items from over 80 donors, this was a very successful golf event.
SAVCO’s 16th Annual Charity Golf Event
• September 23, 2023
• 8:30 AM Tee-Off
• $85 Oak Creek Country Club Members/$150 Non-Members
• 50/50 Raffle: $5 per ticket, $20 for 5 tickets (win 50% of the pot)
• Mulligans: 3 for $10 or 8 for $20
SAVCO is still looking for hole sponsors (only $75) and for donations to the silent auction. Hole Sponsor Form Call or email Gordie Garvey for details.
Honoring Military Recruits
Jack Ross, SAVCO President, presenting service flags that flew over the Sedona Military Park to Marine Corps recruit Caedmon Rux and Air Force recruit Adrian Javey.
Supporting our Community
SAVCO was proud to support Red Rock Trail Fund, Verde Valley Sanctuary, Sedona Police Cadets, Sedona Meals on Wheels and Sedona Composite Mountain Biking Club with donations of $1,000 each.
SAVCO Scholarship Update
SAVCO member Leonard Barrow presents the 2023 SAVCO scholarship to Luz Maria Hernandez.
Memorial Day 2023
It is an honor to recognize those who made the ultimate sacrifice for each of us and our nation.
May 29, 2023 Sedona Military Park
Click on the link below for more pictures
SAVCO Veterans’ Assistance Fund in partnership with the local Rotary Club and some highly supportive neighbors was able to assist a local veteran with yard cleanup from the winter storms. Trees were cut or trimmed, weeds were cut, and excessive pine straw was raked. All together their efforts fill a commercial dumpster. Their efforts were rewarded with pizza and the grateful appreciation of a disable Vietnam Veteran. SAVCO paid $500 towards this collaborative effort.
Quilts of Valor Donation
Jack Ross presents a $500 donation to Joyce Ziebarth for Quilts of Valor expenses. Joyce started making Quilts of Valor in 2012 and is currently working on her 60th quilt. Joyce is a member of the Red Rock Quilters Guild. Quilts of Valor’s mission is to cover service members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.
On a beautiful sunny morning 8 brave souls agreed to be the initial cadre for the new “litter lifter” program. Twenty-two bags of trash were collected in our one mile stretch between mile markers 361 and 362 along highway 89A. Several items too big to bag were also corralled and left beside the road for pick-up. A great turn out with spectacular results.
2023 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
SAVCO had a good accounting of participation, you all should be proud.
Thanks to all of you that put up and took down the traveling wall, manned the SAVCO tent and pulled wall watches day and night.
There were many moving parts in making this event a success. I wish to give a special thank you to John Martinez who attended most all planning meetings in Camp Verde and coordinated SAVCOs participation, well done John.
Jack Ross, President
Click on the link below to see more pictures.
Sedona St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2023
What a great day for a parade! Twenty SAVCO members turn out to march in the parade.
Sedona Toys for Tots Bike Day
Sunday, Dec. 11th was an exciting day for Sedona kids. The Sedona Community came together to help Sedona Toys for Tots provide them new bicycles.
SAVCO Celebrates the Successes of 2022
SAVCO’s Christmas party celebrates the year’s successes!