The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall will be hosted in Camp Verde March 29 - April 2, 2023 Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the withdrawal of al US combat support troops completed on March 29, 1973. Join us as we honor and pay tribute to our Vietnam Veterans. For more information call 928 567-3275
March 28th Escort of the Wall Details, Building the Wall: 10:30 am staging at Cliff Castle Casino, 10:45 Mandatory Procession Briefing, 11:00 am Kickstands up head to Fort Verde. Anyone interested in building the wall should show up by 1300 with a pair of work gloves in the area in back of the Camp Verde Town Hall
March 29, 2023, Wednesday, 1 pm Official Opening Ceremony & Vietnam Veteran Recognition & Pinning Ceremony
March 30, 2023, Thursday 11 – 2 pm Vietnam Veteran Luncheon, Vietnam Vets only, RSVP required contact Deb Bauer, 928 567-3275
March 31, 2023, Friday 10 am Native American Veteran Recognition Day, Tradition blessing, speakers, testimonials, dances throughout the day (TBD)
April 1st Verde Valley Honor Ride Schedule Begins at Elks Lodge in Sedona travels through Cottonwood, Clarkdale and to Camp Verde, 9:30 continental breakfast, 10:30 Motorcycle staging/Bike Blessing, 11:10 Kickstands up, 12:30 Motorcycles Arrive at Fort Verde
12:30 BBQ to celebrate and recognize Veterans - open to the public, 1 pm Welcome Home Ceremony
April 1st Elks Breakfast 2 -3 volunteers needed to serve breakfast at the Elks 9 am, contact Jack Ross 860 705-2163
April 1st SAVCO information tent Anyone interested in manning the SAVCO information tent from 1200- 1430 or 1430 - 1700 please contact Jack Ross 860 705-2163
1 pm Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran Day Ceremony
Security Wall Host/Wall Setup or Down, If you would like to participate Call Park Rangers Sheila or Deb 928 567-3275